Thursday, May 31, 2007


Our first swimming trip with Caleb and Meagan... It was our last day for our play group "Moms 'n Munchkins", and I attempted the pool with the 2 of them. The water was a little chilly for Caleb, but he did go in for a bit. Needed more hands though to keep up with the both of them. I'm sure we'll go back soon. After the pool we had a pizza party.
Grant's going to an Auction sale today in Nisku. We'll see how much he spends!! The last time he bought ANOTHER riding lawn mower (his 3rd one!!!) I get my hair done today. Needs to be done badly. Notice what time I'm writing this... This is to keep you updated Kim, as you're a faithful follower!!! (And I know how busy you are at work!! Hee Hee). I've been playing on the computer between Caleb's feedings. And he just got up again. Gotta run... ( I mean feed)
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Monday, May 28, 2007

More chit chat

I'm not too sure if anyone checks this site out, but I'll add a litle update about us. Actually, there's not much to report... Life is the same. We're learning to function with not much sleep. We are all doing fine. I've been sorting through clothes, taking out the winter stuff, bringin in the summer. We always try to sort through all our stuff, and now have a new shed. Where does all this stuff come from!!!
Caleb continues to grow like a weed. He was weighed in at 18 pounds when he turned 2 months old. Keeping him in oufits that fit good is a challenge. He wears a 12 month shirt, 3-6 month pants, and 9 month sleepers. He now sleeps in a crib in our room , as the basinnette was too small after 2 months. The infant car seat will be the next to go. He's MUCH too heavy to carry him in it, and my hands are getting callused (sp?). Lately he loves to hang out in the swing and falls asleep among the noise.
Meagan loves to kiss Caleb ALL the time. I'm sure that'll stop when they start to fight over toys! She's been spending lots of time outside with Daddy. She helped him plant some trees and asks to go for a "Tike ide" (in English - Trike ride) every day.
Let me know if you're checking this blog out with a quick comment. Give me heck if you'd like more updates more frequently. Unfortunately, I found out we CAN't get teh high speed internet where we're at, becuase our trees are too thick. - stupid trees! Later!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Thanks Adrienne!

Just thought I'd post a few pictures that were taken of my little ones. These were done at our house and fixed up by Adrienne, who does her own photo shoots as a business. Let me know if you'd like her services! She did a fantastic job!!! I'd love to be able to take photos like this, and make them look this good!
Things continue to be busy around the Theroux household... I don't know where our time goes!! It seems all I do is dishes, laundry, and try to keep my family fed... Not much time for other things!! Another friend's baby is now born for us to admire.... Congrats to them, as they have the cutest little girl!!! That's the 2nd one born, of 6 of our friends... Slowly we'll get to see all the babies that are growing in their Mommy's tummies. Can't wait.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Play Time

Just thought I'd post another picture since it's been quite a while... Here's Caleb hanging out.. He amuses himself with his toys, as we hear him laugh and giggle. He's got a new buddy now, who just arrived in this world 2 wks ago. There are quite a few boys around his age, and a few more on there way. We look forward to many playdates in the future. I am planning on taking Meagan & Caleb to the swimming pool soon. That will be fun! Tommorow Caleb will be 2 months, and he will have his first needles...
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