Saturday, May 24, 2008

Moe pics


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A Saturday Afternoon


Here Meagan is showing off her talents as an Artist, taking after her Grandma Marilyn... Can't wait to be able to sell her paintings for profit! :) It was such a beautiful day to hang out outside.


And then the kids took their vehicles for a ride..

And Caleb played with his favorite toy. The shovel. (Wrong season, we know....) Inside the house, he can play with the broom for hours, trying to help mom to the floors. He loves the vacuum as well. Don't know if he realizes the mess happens EVERY time he eats! :)

And we have a new PET... (unless an owner claims him). His name is ZEUS. He is such a nice Dog, and happy that he has an ENDLESS supply of food for him.

This evening we are going out again for a Kinsmen supper. Last night was a Hockey theme, so we wore our favorite Jerseys, and tonight is a formal affair.

My mom is RETIRING, as her very very last day is Wednesday. We're going to surprise her by coming down to her Farewell. It's going to be SO weird for her not to be a Nurse - except when I call her when the kids are sick. Now she'll only have one job (helping my Dad renovate and sell houses). She's looking forward to being able to watch the kids way more. And I can't wait, because this coming weekend she's taking the kids so I can go to Edmonton with a group of friends for a "Mom's Gone Wild" weekend. Meagan can't wait to go see her "Dama" for a sleepover without Mommy. Gotta run. We're all going down for a nap. zzzzzzzzzzzzz......
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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Random thoughts


Just thought I'd pose Meagan for a few shots with this dress. She has so many pretty dresses, but never has many opportunities to wear them... She loves to dress up, so I let her whenever she wants.


We are looking forward to moving back to our house on the acreage, but we will miss taking our evening walks to the park. I thought this picture was quite nice. I'm in the middle of packing things up, to move. The kids will love having a big yard to play in!

My cousin Etienne is down from Quebec, looking to practise his English, and looking for work. It's been nice having an extra pair of hands! Feel sorry for him, as Meagan won't leave his side for a minute!



My big boy is slimming down. I miss his chubby little rolls! I can only look back at the pictures of the past year to see how fast he's growing up! He might be slimming down because he's SO hard to feed!! He's at the "Throwing Food" stage, along with the "Can't sit still" stage!! We bought a new video camera with a built in Hard Drive, so I will have to remember to film him with food all over his face and hair. Must be a boy thing..

Along with moving this week, I will be subbing for the first time in ages. It'll be so weird teaching again. Should be interesting! Meagan also has a Speech appointment this week, so hopefully she'll be able to work on the sounds she has trouble with easily! I will have to post pictures of Grant's new addition to his truck collection. I've been after him to get a new truck for ages, and he's finally chosen one. I do think the wait was worth it! Well, have a great day!
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