Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Red Deer Trip





As always, we had a great trip to Red Deer, and then we spent some time in Edmonton. We enjoyed seeing some of our family, but didn't have time to visit everyone we would of liked to. In Edmonton, we met up with Grant's sister and kids, and went to the water Park in Sherwood park. The kids had a great time. The previous night, we went to see the 3D movie "How to Train your Dragon". Caleb's first movie on the big screen. We wished we would have had someone take a picture of us all in our 3D glasses. It was a fun night! It was a week of traveling, while Meagan was on Spring Break. A lot of late nights.. and now we're back on routine.
Meagan has been practising her poem that she will be reading for Music Festival. We cross our fingers that she will do great! Hope you enjoy the photos, taken by Marilyn :)
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

More pics





Here are a few more pictures... After our Easter Egg hunt, we went to visit some bunnies at my parent's rental house, and then we went over to a friend's farm to pick some eggs and visit the horses. The another family meal with Grant's family, and tomoroww, we should be heading off to Red Deer! Always busy around here!!

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Easter Egg Hunt





The kids had such a fun time finding Easter Eggs when we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Bonnyville. It pretty much took all morning, as they found some in the house first ant ehn outside. As Caleb found some in the house, I'd sneak them out of the basket, so he could find more (as Meagan was too quick!). He didn't notice :)
Then we had a pancake breakfast (a requirement for Meagan when we visit) and then we found all the eggs the kids decorated outside!! That Easter bunny was busy! Then Meagan took the eggs and hid them again for Grandma and Caleb to find.

Cute pictures huh?
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Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Egg decorating





Easter came upon us quite quickly.. and with the nice weather, the kids have been playing lots outside. Today we decorated a few Easter Eggs, and then the kids rushed back outside.. We have a little "creek" flowing through our yard, so the kids have been playing with the water. Making "potions" and dumping water from one bucket to another, along with having boat races. Grant is back home again, as of last week. The kids are enjoying all the time with him. He missed them so much. I thought it was pretty cute this mornging, when he was listening to his phone messages on speaker phone, he had saved some of the messages the kids had sent him while he was working, and listened to them over and over again, ever time he listened to his new messages.

Meagan has no school next week, so our Easter will see us go to Bonnyville, back to Lac La Biche, and then off to Red Deer. We plan on going to Edmonton for a few kid filled activities as well. This year, we will bring the kids to Chucky Cheese, to play some games. We'll probably take them to a pool or water park as well, and maybe a Gymboree. I haven't taken photos in a while, and I'm sure I'll make up for it in the next week!

If you are checking out this blog, I hope you have a TERRIFIC Easter. And I will try to post some more pictures a little more frequently, as I now have Grant around to give me a hand! YEAH!!!

Grant and I also hope to go to Mexico some time in May. Our calendar is getting quite booked up with activies (and Auctions for Grant to attend!)

The kids and I went to Edmonton in March to get to see Baby's Ultrasound. Baby's results are all good. Healthy, "nornal" size, and no problems! I will try to scan the photos to put on here. The pregnacy continues to go smoothly, and I can feel movement and kicking once in a while. The belly is slowly growing, and I had to hit the Maternity store to get some clothes that fit!

Until later.... take care!
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