Friday, October 12, 2007

Our football Player

When some people see Caleb, they mention how he'll be a football player some day.... Thought I'd post these pictures to show that he's already a football player. His "Aunty" Kim gave him his first football when he was just a few weeks old. Here he is posing with his football....
and after a TOUCHDOWN....
and a shot of him just about to throw the ball to someone is left field....

Anything new happening in our little world.. not much. Mom and Dad are coming today to help build our deck with Grant... It's got so many holes in it, it'll be weird not having to dodge them! It could have been handy a few weeks ago, when we had a bear in our yard... If he came on the deck to get at our garbage, he would have fell through and we would have caught him before he went all over the neighbourhood. We did "catch the bear", (on video that is). Then Grant was out in the yard with a spotlight, looking for it... now that would of been a good video clip (Grant running away from the bear...)

I'm still trying to figure out how to build our dream home... and we're fixing up our Rental house in town, one step at a time. We are still throwing around the idea of moving into it, before we sell it. It is a very nice house, and we could handle living in town during winter...

ANYWAY... We have HIGH speed again!!!! After 2 1/2 years of living with dial up. Now I can write a little more, as it won't take me as long to do anything online. Paying bills online seemed to take an hour!! And of course now we can check things online in seconds, so I can play more.
There are so many good sites to check out, so I may mention the site of the day that I found cool...
if you want to play, I suggest 1st:

- download Picasa, which you can do from my blog... it's the little colorful square on this page below my posts... It's free, and it's SO easy to touch up your photos, and store your photos. I will post some before and after shots of some of the photos I've done. You go into basic fixes, and you can click on "sharpen" under Effexts. You can add tint, or turn photos to black and white or sepia. If you're a beginner to playing with digital photography, it's perfect!!!

Other sites I love are ANY good ones of digital scrapbooking. If you ever find a good one, your should let me know... My favorites are: (just to name a few)

And I love seeing some great photos taken by professionals, to learn how to take better photos myself.

Better let you get on with playing on the computer! Later
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He seems like such a happy boy!