Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Fun


Just thought I'd post a few pictures of our Easter. Waiting to get more photos from my brother, as he took some great photos with his new camera.... Wish I had one like his!!


Now, here's our Easter Bunny, thinkin' to himself.... Oh Mom, why do you do this to me????


And here's my brother learning how to do some "Ukrainian" Easter eggs. I was showing his wife how to do it, and he joined in.... BUT he put in SUCH efforts.... SUCH efforts!!!! Took forever to finish, and then........ he broke it!! Never laughed so hard!!!! Good memories, right Tash?
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Catch up time


Now that we're living in town, Caleb just loves to stare out the window and watch whatever is happening out there. he is so content doing this!!


Grant came home with an outfit for Caleb (size 4), and the shirt fit him perfectly, and the pant fit Meagan. He alos bought them a tub of large lego blocks, which they love to play with... Grandma Marilyn had also bought some for the Birthday boy, so we have a nice collection.


And here Meagan is decorating eggs with her little friend. They did a nice job!
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Video clip


Don't know if this video clip will work, but I thought I'd add it on... So... Easter time already!! We've been decorating the house, and doing Easter crafts, and coloring eggs to prepare. We look forward to a visit in Bonnyville, with my brother and his expecting wife, along with my parents... We'll be doing an Easter egg hunt as well.

We went out for a walk up town yesterday, when Grant got home, with the wagon. Even the dog came along. It was such a beautiful evening. Now Caleb really needs to learn how to walk, as he wants to play outside with Meagan, but ends up so dirty from crawling around in the grass.

The day of Caleb's birthday, he ended up with the Flu. Thank goodness, we celebrated the day before! So after a week of the flu, now he and his sister have a nasty cold. Can't wait until everyone is healthy.. Well, gotta run!
Take care!
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Birthday Boy


So, Caleb had his first Birthday party. Even without a nap, and on the verge of a flu, he was a happy camper! The look on his face was priceless, when he got to drive his Quad for the first time around the gym. He's such a cutie pie! I don't think he ate any of his birthday cake, but he sure liked spreading it around! It was nice to see many of our friends and family, and we hope everyone had fun!
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Almost one


I'm amazed that Caleb will be ONE YEAR OLD this weekend! Been trying got catch up on his baby books... Time flew by so fast!! We were so lucky to have such perfect babies, with Meagan and Caleb. They are so good natured and happy! We had a busy weekend with the Pond Hockey tournament, but we managed to sneak in a trip to the Swimming Pool. It was great practise for Caleb, to walk in the swimming pool. He's gotten so much more confident, so we think it'll be very soon that he'll be walking on his own! Thank Goodness, as my arms will have a break.

We hope to go to Edmonton this week, it's been a very long time. I hope to get some photos done at Little Angels and maybe Walmart. We have a few things to get for Caleb's Party, and I hope to buy a new video camera. (Our 3rd one!) Have to keep up with technology! I want to catch his first steps and his first Birthday party on film.

Gotta run, someone's now awake! Have a great day!
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