Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Video clip


Don't know if this video clip will work, but I thought I'd add it on... So... Easter time already!! We've been decorating the house, and doing Easter crafts, and coloring eggs to prepare. We look forward to a visit in Bonnyville, with my brother and his expecting wife, along with my parents... We'll be doing an Easter egg hunt as well.

We went out for a walk up town yesterday, when Grant got home, with the wagon. Even the dog came along. It was such a beautiful evening. Now Caleb really needs to learn how to walk, as he wants to play outside with Meagan, but ends up so dirty from crawling around in the grass.

The day of Caleb's birthday, he ended up with the Flu. Thank goodness, we celebrated the day before! So after a week of the flu, now he and his sister have a nasty cold. Can't wait until everyone is healthy.. Well, gotta run!
Take care!
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