Friday, May 14, 2010

Trip to Hawaii





We just got home a couple of hours ago, and I thought I'd take a peek at the 800 + photos we took, to see if we got any good ones of our trip. We were in Honolulu for 5 days, and then Maui for 4 days. We were suppose to be back yesterday, but our flight was cancelled for mechanical reasons. We had a great time, and we were able to experience some great sights of Hawaii and their culture. Some of the photos will show some of the things we did, but I could type for hours to share all the interesting things that we did. The photo of us with the Diamond Head mountain in the background was taken before we did a time share presentation. A great story to bring up with Grant! We did get $100 coucher to use on any tour, which we chose the Polynesian Cultural Center - a great Hawiian supper, and show.

Then there's a picture of us on the Pearl Harbour tour, and then the Dole plantation tour, we were tried a variety of pineapple treats, such as the ice cream treat. Yum Yum
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