Monday, December 22, 2008

Meeting Santa





So, we had such a terrific day yesterday. The kids Christmas party was so nice. There were activities such as decorating cookies, coloring, adding glitter to your own Santa hat, and getting a snowcone. The kids had to spin a "Price is Right" type wheel, to get money to spend on doing the activities. Worked out so nice! So of course I've included a few photos for your enjoyment. (If anyone is checking this out)

AND I was so proud of Caleb. As Santa came into the room, he thought it was cool to hang out with him. He loved sitting on his lap. He was so DAMN adorable! I was busy taking photos, and video taping, so I can cherish those memories. But he surpised me by being so calm. I guess he just hates dentists, doctors and hairdressers. Hopefully one day that'll pass.

I'm just excited because I have some great photos to scrapbook! I might have to include some of the pages I create on here! I already have a page in mind. Meagan wrote the CUTEST Santa letter with her Aunty Jody. I was planning on doing that with her, and I'm so glad to see what she came up with on her own. So, along with filing it in her Keepsake box, I'll have it in her Album as well. Poor girl will have so many photo albums by the time she moves out on her own.

We have a busy week ahead of us. A trip to Bonnyville, then back home, then off to Edmonton and Red Deer. I better charge my camera batteries as I'm sure I'll be taking hundreds of photos. Hopefully I'll catch a couple great ones! Looking forward to seeing my little baby nephew, before he becomes a big boy. My brother and his family are spending Christmas with us. Also looking forward to seeing our other neices and nephew open their gift from us, as I think they'll have so much fun with it.

Here's wishing you a terrific Christmas spent with family and friends. And thank you for being part of our lives...
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1 comment:

Lindsay Bateman said...

That is so cute with your kiddies...have a wonderful christmas and holiday season Lucie! Thanks for the compliments on the Simple Scrapbook thing...shoud be interesting to see the layout in the issue! I will definitly keep you posted, as it is supposed to be in the May/June 2009 issue.
Merry Christmas
xxx ooo