Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Not bad





Not bad, for throwing my kids on the deck, and trying to take photos of them as quick as I could... I guess I got lucky. I thought they were cute, but I always think they're cute. Even the ones where Meagan was giving be the "dirty" look, as she wasn't happy with me :) I think it's the start of her Teacher look.

So, I was Meagan's playschool teacher on Monday, (went in with 4 hours of sleep). The day went by fast. Meagan's afternoon class only had 3 other girls, and her "boyfriend" came in late. Tomorrow I'm bring in some cupcakes for her prebirthday party. I should be baking them right now, instead of trying to download some new Christmas things for scrapbooking.

The tree is laying on the floor right now, as Grant and I try to create a tree stand that will hold my tree. It's a pretty big tree, and somehow we lost the stand that came with it. Not too smart!

I'll chat later!
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