Friday, February 27, 2009

BATH time



Wow.. looking at these photos, you would never guess that there's 2 years difference between these 2! Thought this was a cute shot.

I am trying to get a slideshow together for Meagan's Playschool. Tonight is the big Midyear concert, where parents and grandparents are invited for supper. So, my parents are on their way here.. anytime now. They are looking forward to seeing Meagan sing 3 songs, with her classmates. I'm also finishing up a few body sized posters of each of the kids, that are being placed all through the hall walls. Each child has an 8x10 photo of their face put on their
"bodies" that were traced on paper. It should be fun. Poor Grant is working his butt off up North and in the cold, and has to miss it. But of course I'll have photos and videos for him to check out.

Gotta run!
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