Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day




I should be making our Valentine cupcakes with Meagan, but I thought I'd post a few pictures for the day. We've been doing many things for Valentines this week, such as crafts, decorations, worksheets, etc. We even had heart shaped pink pancakes. Today we had a Valentine scavenger hunt, and the prize was Moon Sand. What a NO NO!! Never tried it before. What a mess!!!!

WE haven't seen Grant for more than a couple hours since Jan 2, as he's been staying in camp up north. He's VERY happy to have steady worl, as there are many people that are losing their jobs. And we have a some GREAT news!! We sold our house in town. (if all goes well)... Possession date would be the 1st of March. We are even happier that we'll be morgage free.. What a treat!

WE are all anxious for the winter to end. It seems like it's been an extra long winter, without Grant around. We are already looking forward to spending some time at West Ed when he's off work. Meagan's excited about going to the water park, and she wants to ride the roller coaster. (I don't think that will happen!) Well... guess I better run!!
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