Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Caleb





So our baby is now 2. He had 2 wonderful birthday parties, with family and friends. Even better was the fact that his Daddy could be around! He got so excited every time he opened a gift. He's been playing with all his new things, and loves them all.

This is the year that we'll be able to hear his voice. Right now, we can only guess his thoughts. It was very cute, when we sang "Happy Birthday", Monday morning with his friends, he put his head down and seemed embarassed. Don't know if you can tell by the picture. It was quite cute. I wish I could read his mind.

Last night, I wrote in his journal, as I do once in a while for both kids. I like to write what people got them for gifts, and what their weight and height are, along with what new things they are learning. It was nice to review what I had written over the past couple years. And there's so much more to come in the future~

And Meagan passed her swimming lessons!! Thank goodness they both did. It was quite the task to feed them and rush them out the door to make it to the lessons on time. Only forget Caleb's swimming trunks once and Meagan's panties once. Ooops :)

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1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I check your blog often Lucy, it's so special that you capture so many good memories for your kids, they are so lucky to have you and Grant for parents :) I love the idea of journaling for them..... I would love to do that too!