Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pond Hockey Tournament





We ventured out today, to check out the Kinsmen Pond Hockey tournament. Grant usually does a lot of volunteering to help with this event, and we usually come out to see him. So today, it just wasn't the same without him. But we went to see what was going on. Had a burger... hot chocolate.. Walked around a bit, and visited with friends. Caleb just LOVED the little marshmellows in the hot chocolate. A first for him. I just love seeing him try something new.

So... Caleb passed his swimming lessons this week. Yeah!! So happy for him. Hopefully Meagan will pass hers on Tuesday. I guess we;ll see. She's doing really well. She can now float on her back by herself, and dumk her head under water.

Tonight we have a birthday party to go to, and the Caleb has a Birthday party on Sunday (with family), and Monday with friends. Should be fun. Can't believe he'll be 2. My baby is a big boy!! :)

Gotta run!
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